Top Five Media Buying Blunders and How to Avoid Them

Hey there, webmasters! Navigating the world of media buying is filled with potential pitfalls. To help you steer clear of common mistakes and enhance your media buying strategies, here are the top five blunders often encountered and how to avoid them.

Media Buying Blunders and How to Avoid Them

1. Neglecting Campaign Quality Assurance (QA)

One major mistake in media buying is neglecting to thoroughly QA campaigns before launching them. Imagine the consequences of setting a daily budget to $10,000 instead of $1,000. Such errors can severely impact early-on success.

Implementing a rigorous QA process is crucial. This involves checking the ad level for accurate UTMs, correct links, and flawless copy. At the ad set level, ensure targeting accuracy, proper exclusions, correct attribution windows, and optimal conversion events.

Spending a few extra minutes on QA can prevent significant errors and maintain your media buying game on point!

2. Overlooking Breakdown Data Analysis

Another significant error is failing to regularly analyze Facebook's breakdown data. This data is vital as it shows where money is being spent and where purchases are coming from across different placements, age groups, and countries. Not monitoring this can lead to inefficient ad spend. For example, Facebook might inefficiently spend on poor placements, hurting campaign performance.

Regularly reviewing breakdown data ensures budgets are spent wisely, especially with some changes, which are reducing the availability of certain breakdown data.

3. Excessive Caution in Scaling

Excessive caution in scaling can impede rapid growth efforts. Being too wary of potential financial risks can hinder successful scaling, which often requires a willingness to take calculated risks. Increasing budgets confidently is essential.

Understand that paid social will always have ups and downs. Learning to endure the bad days without impulsively cutting ad spend is crucial to your success as a media buyer.

4. Constantly Creating New Campaigns

Everywhere you look, media buyers are repeatedly making the same error: they believe they need to constantly create new campaigns. This mindset is prevalent in ad account audits, online discussions, and even among students learning the ropes of media buying.
Why is this a problem?
Creating new campaigns unnecessarily can clutter your ad account and disrupt the efficiency of your advertising efforts. Instead of starting from scratch every time, focus on optimizing and refining your existing campaigns.

5. Self-Doubt in Abilities

Imposter syndrome can affect even experienced media buyers, causing self-doubt in their capabilities. Recognizing strengths and areas for improvement is crucial. No media buyer has all the answers. The key is to bring a unique perspective and be honest about limitations.

Continuous learning and transparent communication are vital. Embracing strengths and working to improve weaknesses through dedicated effort is essential.


Mistakes happen to everyone in media buying, but it's how we grow and improve that truly sets successful media buyers apart. By incorporating a thorough quality assurance process, consistently analyzing data breakdowns, taking calculated risks, fine-tuning existing campaigns, and building confidence in our abilities, we can navigate the complexities of media buying more smoothly.

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